2025-01-21 07:41:51
Предлагаем ознакомиться завем получить 350 000 руб от государства на свой бизнес ? Пройти тестирование для соцконтракта 2024 новые правила 2024 года: обязательный тест на мсп - узнай вопросы и ответы заранее. узнай как повысить шансы на получение 350 000 рублей от государства .
2025-01-21 05:37:26
I love panty sniffing
2025-01-21 02:49:28
Watched a movie about an adult man who had fantasies about his daughter's hot, blonde friend, including laying her down to fuck her. Made me think of years ago when I had a few similar ones of my neice's of-age, friend who I always thought was hot. Nothing ever happened, but there were times my mind would think, damn, I'd love to throw that hot, 18-year old body down and be all over her. It's an arousing thought, and I don't mind. She's older now, a nurse, and still has a great body, sexy smile, and fit, dancer's legs. I'd still pound her into the mattress if had the chance. That movie got me going about her.
2025-01-21 00:18:41
. . Call it what it is. . GENOCIDE. . https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IrX9v6DKH1g. . What human rights are being violated in Palestine?. Deprivation of the right to self-determination, extrajudicial killings, restrictions on freedom of movement and assembly and illegal settlements were some of glaring manifestations of human rights violations of the Palestinian people. . see why Israel can kill innocent children with American taxpayer money. . . 1- see Why Israel is in deep trouble . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAfIYtpcBxo. . 2- Because the God of Money of our World is a Jew who supports and lives in Israel. For more details, click on the following link.. . https://mega.nz/file/FqhzGKbB#bsX4PD-O59HEA0-rynD29xkk47dmddycY5CjZfoDLYg. . 3- Because what USA president say about Israel https://www.tiktok.com/@thefearlessqueenmel/video/7307640994579680542?lang=en&q=why%20dont%20Americans%20knowl%20what%20you%20have%20seen%20&t=1701880206555. . See how innocent children are killed by the most powerful Israeli using American bombs at. . Al Jazeera Arabic Live. . at. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNyUyrR0PHo. . if you do not do something such as going on the street and telling your government which is controlled by the Jews to stop killing the Gaza people and stop the Israeli War and send food to the starving people of Gaza. If you can not do it then forward this message with the above two links to at least 4 of your friends and ask them to forward it to 4 of their friends so that the world will know that the new mass murderers are the Jews of the world . It is ironic that the Holocaust servicers (the Jews) are creating a new Holocaust against the Philistines in Gaza. . . if you do not do this also then you do not have a HART. .
2025-01-20 19:41:43
Several years ago I slept with a co worker and his wife found out but I had no idea. I was coming home it was really late after hooking up with him. A bit drunk walking from my car to my apartment his wife was at my door. I’m short and petite let’s just say she isn’t a small lady she punched me in the gut. Grabbed my keys and opened the front door of my apartment I was on the ground crying trying to catch my breath. With her laughing telling me aren’t you going to invite me inside for a cup of tea. She just grabbed my hair and drug me inside processing to punch me in the stomach. Pulling my hair and dragging me around my apartment telling me little miss home wrecker didn’t plan this huh. I couldn’t scream as I was always trying to catch my breath she stripped me naked. She made me stand and spin around randomly knocking the wind out of me. Telling me she had three kids and a piece of shit husband that liked fucking girls the size of a tween. When I ever started to apologize she slap me so hard I think she was knocking me out. She then said on their are two ways this is over one I just fucking kill you. The other my hands go up that tiny tight little snatch of yours and destroys it for destroying my husband. She was quick to say if my answer wasn’t one or the other she be boiling remains feeding then to my cats. She made a comment maybe I just kill your cats how about that she called for my cats. I said just do it to me she asked do what to me I said fisting me. No lube took awhile to get her fist inside of me I felt like she tore me open maybe bleeding. I had no sense of time it was getting light out when she said her arms was sore. She laughed as she spent seven to eight angry hours fisting me. I had to lay on the floor legs wide open she was rolling on the floor next to me laughing. She asked me if I learned my lesson then said hey I’m certified crazy on lots of medications. So you report me to the police well I just go to mental hospital and get out. She giggled you know what option you get then huh lol she got up and left. I was twenty three at the time scared and terrified I got my stuff and moved away. Never quite me job didn’t tell the apartment complex I was moving out. Obviously never talked to or seen the asshole I cheated with. I always wondered what she did to him it never crossed my mind til years later. I also never slept with a guy unless I was for certain he was single. I wish I had reported that fucking psycho bitch to this day but still scared.
2025-01-20 19:41:42
Several years ago I slept with a co worker and his wife found out but I had no idea. I was coming home it was really late after hooking up with him. A bit drunk walking from my car to my apartment his wife was at my door. I’m short and petite let’s just say she isn’t a small lady she punched me in the gut. Grabbed my keys and opened the front door of my apartment I was on the ground crying trying to catch my breath. With her laughing telling me aren’t you going to invite me inside for a cup of tea. She just grabbed my hair and drug me inside processing to punch me in the stomach. Pulling my hair and dragging me around my apartment telling me little miss home wrecker didn’t plan this huh. I couldn’t scream as I was always trying to catch my breath she stripped me naked. She made me stand and spin around randomly knocking the wind out of me. Telling me she had three kids and a piece of shit husband that liked fucking girls the size of a tween. When I ever started to apologize she slap me so hard I think she was knocking me out. She then said on their are two ways this is over one I just fucking kill you. The other my hands go up that tiny tight little snatch of yours and destroys it for destroying my husband. She was quick to say if my answer wasn’t one or the other she be boiling remains feeding then to my cats. She made a comment maybe I just kill your cats how about that she called for my cats. I said just do it to me she asked do what to me I said fisting me. No lube took awhile to get her fist inside of me I felt like she tore me open maybe bleeding. I had no sense of time it was getting light out when she said her arms was sore. She laughed as she spent seven to eight angry hours fisting me. I had to lay on the floor legs wide open she was rolling on the floor next to me laughing. She asked me if I learned my lesson then said hey I’m certified crazy on lots of medications. So you report me to the police well I just go to mental hospital and get out. She giggled you know what option you get then huh lol she got up and left. I was twenty three at the time scared and terrified I got my stuff and moved away. Never quite me job didn’t tell the apartment complex I was moving out. Obviously never talked to or seen the asshole I cheated with. I always wondered what she did to him it never crossed my mind til years later. I also never slept with a guy unless I was for certain he was single. I wish I had reported that fucking psycho bitch to this day but still scared.
2025-01-19 22:02:26
I have a wee wittle weiner
2025-01-19 03:58:04
Hello, . . This is Mike Crossman. from Monkey Digital, . I am reaching out to you like webmaster to webmaster, towards a mutual opportunity. How would you like to put our banners on your site and link back via your affiliate link towards hot selling services from our website, and earn a 35% residual income, month after month from any sales that comes in from your sites. . . Think about it, everyone needs SEO, this is a pretty major opportunity, We have over 12k affiliates already and our payouts are made each month, hefty payouts, last month we have reached 27280$ in payouts to our affiliates. . . If interested, kindly chat with us: https://monkeydigital.co/affiliates-whatsapp/ . . Or sign up today: https://www.monkeydigital.co/join-our-affiliate-program/ . . Cheers . Mike Klaus Wilson. . monkeydigital.co
2025-01-18 12:23:13
Fucked my neighbor wife next to him while he was drunk drugged and out cold for the night. They had me over all the time I started fucking his wife when he was at work for nearly two months at this point. It was new year having a party with other friends his wife started smashing cold pills and other drugs putting them in his drinks. I was kinda scared how many she was giving the guy she might kill him it was crazy. He was on the couch head hanging during the party before midnight people joking he was drunk. One of his friends carried him into his bed where he was at when midnight struck. Me and his wife didn’t do anything not wanting anyone to figure we are having an affair. I actually and waited for her to come over and us fuck at my place like we planned. She had different ideas as she figured out her husband was so out of it he wasn’t going wake anytime soon. She instead wanted to fuck me in their bed right next to her husband. She straddled her husbands face and I started fucking her doggie my balls slapping his face. I blew my load on his face and slapped my cock across his face. We was laughing she smeared my cum across his face slapped him across the face. We did this a dozen times his face was a glazed mess with my cum. She had pulled down th sheets teased and joked how tiny his penis is. I’m not saying I have a big dick. It next to him I’m a freaking porn star it was pathetic as she had told me before this. We ended up going back to my place to fuck into the next day celebrating the new year. I told her you better see how our glazed donut faced was doing lol. She went back face time me he was still out of it his face looked like when your a kid and have Elmer’s glue on your hands and peal it off it was hilarious. Finally he started to wake up she said get up drunk boy let’s have breakfast she told him I invited them to breakfast. So this is the funniest part she rushed him out of the house not even cleaning his face. You could see like the goo drops dried on his face of my cum I’m laughing can’t help it. I as telling him it was things I was thinking about I couldn’t explain she as giggling. He was still fucked up from the shit she put into his drink. Anyways I moved from my apartment that was next to theirs after the first. She had left him he has no idea she is with me now we don’t want him to know. Any ways it’s too funny I’m at work bored and wanted to share this experience.
2025-01-17 17:27:11
having a wank for the fun of it, fantasizing about making love with another woman other than my wife, desiring to be nude naked in an inappropriate place, showing off my penis online
2025-01-17 13:38:25
. . . Pribor za balansiranje rotora Balanset-1A
. . Die Balancierung wird für technisch einwandfreie Mechanismen durchgeführt, die qualitativ an ihren vorgesehenen Stellen befestigt sind. Andernfalls muss der Mechanismus vor der Balancierung repariert, in ordnungsgemäße Lager eingebaut und fixiert werden. Der Rotor des Mechanismus muss von Verunreinigungen gereinigt werden, die die Balancierung beeinträchtigen.
. . . . Prozess zur Balancierung eines Dampfturbinenrotors
. . Vor den Messungen werden Installationsorte ausgewählt und Sensoren für Vibrationen und Phasen gemäß den oben genannten Empfehlungen installiert.
. . . . Vor der Balancierung wird empfohlen, Messungen im Vibrometermodus durchzuführen.
. . . . Es wird empfohlen, vor der Balancierung die Messungen im Graphen-Spektralanalyse-Modus zu prüfen.
. . . . Die Balanset-1A ist ein Gerät, das für Bequemlichkeit und Mobilität entwickelt wurde. Dank des kompakten und robusten Koffers kann es leicht für Arbeiten vor Ort oder unter Feldbedingungen mitgenommen werden. Dies ist besonders wichtig für diejenigen, die häufig mit Geräten in nicht stationären Umgebungen arbeiten, z. B. auf Produktionsstätten.
. . . . Die Balanset-1A kombiniert die Funktionen eines Vibrometers und eines Auswuchtgeräts. Im Vibrometermodus können Gesamtvibrationen verfolgt, Spektren erstellt und Harmonische analysiert werden, um ein vollständiges Bild des Zustands des Mechanismus zu erhalten. Im Balanciermodus können Masse und Winkel der Gewichte zur Installation in einer oder zwei Ebenen berechnet werden.
. . . . Mit einer Genauigkeit von ±1° bei Phasenmessungen und einer Genauigkeit von ±5% bei Vibrationswerten entspricht das Gerät hohen Standards. Dies macht es für Aufgaben geeignet, bei denen Präzision erforderlich ist - von der Ventilator-Balancierung bis zur Einstellung von Rotoren industrieller Maschinen.
. . . . Die Balanset-1A wird mit einer einjährigen Garantie geliefert, und die Firma Vibromera bietet technischen Support und Hilfe im Falle von Fehlfunktionen. Dies ist wichtig für Benutzer, die auf die Zuverlässigkeit des Geräts auf lange Sicht zählen.
. . . . Bei einem vergleichsweise niedrigen Preis im Vergleich zu Markenprodukten auf dem Markt bietet der Balanset-1A eine ausgezeichnete Kombination aus Preis und Qualität. Er ist sowohl für große Produktionsstätten als auch für kleine Werkstätten erhältlich, was ihn zu einer guten Investition für diejenigen macht, die die Qualität ihrer Produkte mit minimalen Kosten verbessern möchten.
. . . . Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vibromera_ou/ . Youtube : https://youtu.be/OmoY4AYrNto?si=Y7_GXGLGrbet-Ohu . Kaufen auf Amazon: motorvibration . Unsere Website uber auswuchtservice . . ps . . https://luist025yit9.blue-blogs.com/profile. https://bookmarklethq.com/story16853027/hassle-free-balancing-introducing-the-new-balanset-device.
2025-01-17 09:45:36
then only a few have reached us
2025-01-16 05:21:50
By the end of the 15th century, 35
2025-01-15 18:42:24
My husband best friend had just gotten out of the marines and needed a place to stay. I’ve known him since high school and we always got along he a nice funny man. We also had just bought a house and had three extra bedrooms as we bought to prepare to make a family in a few years. It was like old times joking drinking and now able to smoke pot legally in our state. There was this crazy mood stirring inside of me sexual towards his friend. When my husband fell asleep I snuck into his friends room I just asked if he was awake. I was only wearing a T shirt. He said yeah I’m awake I asked if he was into talking a little he said sure. I slipped under the covers put his hand on my bare pussy. Reached over and felt a nice thicker cock than my husbands fuck me hard I told him. He must of had allot of rage within him and took it out on my pussy. I orgasmed and we kept going ok ok I’m cumming I screamed as he was tearing me apart. He smoked I asked for a cigarette and we smoked in bed he asked how it was for me. I elbowed him you know you fucked my brains out lol loved it. I didn’t feel guilty and told his friend who already knew about my husband cheating on me with my best friend. I forgave him and now we are even I said lol he smiled told me you know he was telling me he wanted me to fuck you because he cheated. I laughed telling him this worked better if feel like I cheated lol. The next day we was all sitting around drinking and I told my husband what happened his friend quickly said hey you asked me too remember. My husband who wasn’t very happy then said yeah I did then said guess we are even now. I loved the fact he was jealous and mad about it making it better for that moment. He then said well let’s have a fhreesome this is when I. Was riding my husband his friend got behind me and joined my husband cock inside of me. I can’t tell you how much stretching pain and pressure it was as he forced it inside me. Once I got use to this massive amount of cocks inside of me I was loving it. The next few months was us doing this all the time I loved it so much. Unfortunately his friend got a job out of state we had the last DPING a farewell. So it been a little over a year and this New Year’s Eve my husband kept telling me I have a surprise for you. His friend showed up for New Year’s Eve and they fuckdd me though over the next week. His friend went back and I’m missing having the two wanting to relocate to be closer to him so we can all have sex more often.
2025-01-15 18:14:39
I got a call late at night it was my ex high school girlfriend daughter crying wanting me to know if she could stay with me. I’ve known her since she was born she’s now 23 years old needing a place to stay. When she was about six till eight her mom my ex got a divorce from her husband. Needing a place to stay what was to be a few weeks ended up being a couple years. At the time I was married I have a big house it’s over 7500 square feet with a mother in law they stayed in. I have a daughter a year older than her so she was around me all the time. When they moved it was a very short ways away so she came over all the time. She knows I’m pretty much a place she can always go to and I’m very close to her being she’s been in my life so much. So her calling wasn’t as odd as it may sound being I dated her mom before she was even born. Me and her mom have a best friend type relationship ever since we broke up nothing more. I went and picked her up she was very emotional there was allot of drama in her friend circle. Where she was wanting to move out and away from no big deal. Take a room any room you know the place sweetheart we hugged and talked. I didn’t think much as we was sitting then laying on the couch her on top of me head on my chest. It was so late we had been talking I’m not sure if I feel asleep while she was talking to me. But when I woke my arms was around her and she was still laying on top of me. I said shook her a bit saying it’s late wanna go to be she smiled kissed me on the lips saying that be nice. I walked towards my room not thinking anything as she was behind me. Then walking into my room removing her top no bra bare perky tits infornt of me. She smiled with a wink embracing me with a long hug telling me how much she loves me. As she let go of the hug she pulled my shirt off I was frozen in shock. My eyes locked on her body as the sweatpants she was wearing came off followed removing her panties. Another tight embrace I’m rock hard in my sweatpants she obviously feels it knowing I’m horny for her. She stepped back I got naked we laughed and she and I got into bed. The heat and passasion was like lava there wasn’t anything we didn’t do. We fucked for a few hours then slept I awoke hard and started making love to her. We went back to sleep she awoke me for more sex we kept waking the other to have sex into the next afternoon. We had taken a naps woke started to have a passionate very intimate love making. We started talking she giggled telling me how she had planned his whole thing for months. How she had this crush on me since she was living with me asking if I had felt the same way. I laughed telling her no more like though it you as a daughter. For the fact I was practically raising her because her mom never could get her shit together lol. When you stripped naked seeing your perfect body well that’s when it started. She said smiled saying that’s even hotter you thought of me as your daughter lol. It’s like daddy daughter sex lol I had to laughed as yeah I guess it was lol. We started fucking as the conversation sent us into a rush of desires. She keeps telling me about sexual things she did towards me growing up flashing me and stuff. I totally don’t remember and don’t think it occurred maybe in her mind lol. I’m starting to figure out she’s a bit crazy lol well that explains why she’s such a great fuck. Just like her mom batshit crazy good in bed really sweet friend I’m thinking. I never got back with her mom because of her craziness. She suddenly sleeping every night in my bedroom my fear we are going to get caught. She had been staying with me for nearly seven months when I get a call from her mom my ex. Hey I hear you and Kaitlin are living together and dating, I started to freak out. I figured ok she’s going to go balistic on my ass freaking out. Nope she giggled telling me she’s had a crush on you forever. She was going on and on telling me how they talked about it for years. I’m so excited if I can’t have you at least she get to be with you your awesome. I don’t know how to answer her obviously Kaitlin told her about it so I can’t deny it. Yeah it kinda just happened she giggled yeah she told me all about it. The whole daddy daughter kinky roll p,aging you two do that hot she’s told me. I’m embarrassed glade to we was on the phone but one thing I was want told to her. She asked if my daughter knew about it, I was like pretty sure she kill us both if she did. Oh she should be ok with it Kaitlin use to talk about it too us all the time she knows. So this conversation I’m learning about her feeling towards me hadn’t been just her thinking it. She actually was sharing it to both of them for many years. Even to both how she had been over the years building the nerve to act on it. At this point I’m in disbelief my daughter wouldn’t had freaked out about it. Especially the fact I was married during the time to her mom this started in Kaitlin telling them. I just mostly listen to her not knowing what to say how to respond. I think it was a few days later after I had confronted Kaitlin saying it as awkward about everything telling her mom and my daughter. She just giggled and laughed about it telling me they are ok with it. I personally thought this was just a sex thing between us not going into a relationship. I didn’t tell her this the fact is I’m forty six and she’s in her early twenties. Then it was a few days later my daughter comes over Kaitlin wasn’t home. My daughter had a smirk on her face so hows it going how Kaitlin living here been. She giggled I’m sure my face was white as a ghost, dad I know about it she already told me lol. It’s cool dad you two make a good couple she’s totally in love with you. She’s like a year younger than you are you ok with that part I asked. She busted out laughing saying dad it’s fine and so is your little role playing. She busted out laughing it’s hot you’ve called her by my name to make it wilder lol. She nuts as well I figured outhey all are but it’s ok crazy girls are the best in bed!.
2025-01-15 03:28:37
We've been married for four years now. Few times this past year he asked how big of a stiff dick you think you could fit inside you. I replied with never thought about it. Last week I was at the mall. Visited this place called Spencer's Gift. While shopping they had an adult section. I seen this 8 inch vibrating dildo. I picked it and just stared at it knowing it was bigger than my hubby. I put it down went shopping more. About an later I was still thinking about this vibrator working my clit then sliding it deep into me. I ended back there and buying it. I went home and had some alone time. Never gave it a thought about having two orgasm's in the same day. I'm one happy wife now
2025-01-14 17:05:49
Hi there, . . Looking to improve your website's local rankings? We offer Country Targeted Backlinks to help you dominate your niche. With backlinks from high-quality, local domains, your website will see increased relevance, traffic, and authority in your chosen region. . . Check out our service here: . https://www.digitalxflow.com/country-backlinks/ . Or chat with us on WhatsApp: https://www.digitalxflow.com/whatsapp-us/ . . . Best regards, . Mike Walter Dupont. . Dgital X Flow Team
2025-01-12 16:22:16
My boyfriend wanted to go to a swinger party/orgy I was scared never done anything like that. We had been together for a couple years everything was going great didn’t want to ruin what we had. But he kept pestering me constantly one of his friends had taken his girlfriend to one. So he felt like I should do it for him so I finally gave in going to it. We got there it was really big event like several dozen couples and single people as well. I had said we have sex I front of people not having sex with other my deal in going. But he ended up having this girl join us he fucked her them after wanted me to suck him. While she sat on his face and ate her I was frustrated but got into it but still pissed. While I was between her legs I was in a prone position doggie style. This is when I felt a guy fingering me and started eating my pussy I turned to see him he was super cute. Ok might as well my boyfriend just fucked some strange girl who I was know sucking her pussy juices off his cock because he told me to. This guy was making me feel good suddenly I felt his cock slapping across ass. I turned back eyes contact he smiled asking me if it was ok wanted to see my eyes light up he told me. I giggled said sure I felt allot of pressure he was like way bigger stretching me to fit. I bit my lips as it hurt a bit as he broke though getting up inside of me. I stopped sucking my boyfriend lost focus on my boyfriend and needed it to relax to accommodate this guys size increase for my boyfriend. I moaned and grunted as I felt him going deeper than anyone ever had before. I was telling him I’ve never felt so much fullness he pulled me up and we kissed. I was now completely impelled on his cock pleasure taking over letting him have his way with me. He had picked me up and carried me to a clear place on the floor. I was totally lost in the intense pleasures he was shocking my system with. We kissed making out it was very passionate complete eye contact emotionally charged as I had my first of several orgasms with him. Suddenly my boyfriend standing over us glaring at me, what the fuck you fucked that girl what’s your problem I asked my boyfriend. He said bitch slut this guy stood up in my boyfriend face telling him don’t say that to her ever again I don’t give a fuck if she’s your girlfriend. It was funny my boyfriend eyes was on this guys cock that was actually up against his smaller penis. Like double the size my boyfriend never raised his head to look the guy in the eyes. The guy screamed did you fucking hear me dude, my boyfriend said yeah I heard you. My boyfriend walked across the room and the guy asked me he was enjoying me can we keep going. I glanced at my boyfriend who is sour faced glancing our way and said why not. He going to make a big deal about it and this was his fucking idea. The guy said well I’m positive you would regret staying with him. So if you don’t mind let’s make coming here worth it sweetheart. This guy taught me what a real heart pounding fucking is all about. I kept glancing over my boyfriend just watched us the whole time like seven hours. He didn’t get with anymore girls he glared a few times and I told the guy who walked over and slapped him for it. I sucked this guy right near him just to rub it in I knew we was over. He could never get over this he just wanted to have his fun it was all about him. I turned it around I made it about myself as well and found a new boyfriend;)